Friday, December 02, 2005

track your progress

Hello everyone,
i wish you all luck in the darkest days that are FINALS!!

The Tracking Map:
in this project i wanted to make a map to a destination that was also a tool to 'track your pogress'. primitive though it is, the idea is clear.( I hope! :} ) In paper form the user would use a pen and check each box to make sure they have reached that point on the route. i was thinking about what we were talking about in class. designing a tool for the user with the highest needs. Like watching the plot of a movie, I was concerned with the idea that a person with server amnesia would not be able to reach their destination. i tired to keep this in mind. but the tool is still useful for a person with a mild case of amnesia and the result would be the same. the maps check boxes are used to identify ONLY traffic lights as markers as thees have the least chance of changing.
the design of the map is trying to stay within the theme of my last project. I wanted to keep it as simple as possible(but still include a design aesthetic), so that it remains clear and user friendly. For example, if this form of information took the shape of a card that could be kept in a wallet or a small book that could easily be carried maybe this idea would be comfortable for some of the patients at Baycrest that don’t feel comfortable with a complex PDA device.
i am thinking about adding these types of maps to my PDA "heart monitor" program. but they would have to be modified. obviously very few users would be starting from OCAD.


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