the heart monitor face
hello, its teresa
this is the next stage of my 'heart monitor' idea. for this emoticon assignment i am designing the whole look of the program along with the face emoticons and the small images that make up the over all 'look' of the program. i am becoming increasing more interested in a sort of 'hyper design'. design that creates is own iconic look. the first two emoticons are up and more will follow. i am not so great with illustrator. but this gives an idea.
assignment #3: my idea is to make a 'best restaurants of the west side' kind of mapping system. staying with the idea of memory loss i was thinking that a restaurant guide would be something that i would appreciate. just because you cant remember what places have great Mexican -lets say- doesn't mean you wont enjoy it when you get there. i have a list of places but i still have to gather the visuals.
I like your "hyper design" idea, which I guess means integrating all aspects of the overall design to build the concept. Colour scheme, font, layout and icons are all coordinated. I'm not sure I understand the map concept - while I like the idea of restaurant guides and notetaking very much (when quizzed about where I'd like to eat, I often draw a blank) I'm not sure how you intend to integrate the guide and map. We can talk about this more today in class.
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